Essentials of Romanian Grammar and Vocabulary - Booklets
The “Essentials of Romanian Grammar and Essentials of Romanian Vocabulary” booklets are in the process of being published: you can pre-order them by filling in the form below and pay for them when they go out of print. We will contact you and keep you posted!
Author: Dr. Mona Moldoveanu Pologea
Number of pages: 89 pages
Publishing House: ROLANG
Languages: Romanian & English
ISBN: (about to be published)
Welcome to the “Essentials of Romanian Grammar and Vocabulary”, the ultimate study guide for learning Romanian!
Whether you are a beginner or an intermediate learner, this booklets are the perfect resource for mastering the essentials of Romanian grammar and vocabulary.
Essentials of Romanian Grammar and Essentials of Romanian Vocabulary are a synthesis of everything a foreigner needs in Romanian vocabulary and grammar: basic formulas, greetings, and common expressions used in everyday life in a multitude of situations: at the market, on the street, at the shop, at the hairdresser's, at the hotel, at the doctor's, etc., together with a synthesis of the main parts of speech in Romanian: plurals and articles of nouns, plurals of adjectives, the most important verb tenses in Romanian, the 100 most common Romanian verbs, numerals, prepositions, conjunctions, and adverbs. The information is presented in an attractive and easy-to-understand way, along with an English translation.
Features of the Booklets:
Concise and easy-to-follow explanations of essential grammar rules and vocabulary
Practical examples to reinforce your understanding
A comprehensive vocabulary list
Reference sections with common expressions and phrases
The “Essentials of Romanian Grammar and Vocabulary” is designed to help you build a strong foundation in Romanian. It covers all the key elements of Romanian grammar and vocabulary, from simple sentence structures to more advanced concepts. With clear and concise explanations and practical examples, this booklet is the ideal study guide for anyone looking to improve their Romanian skills.
Content of the package
Essentials of Romanian Grammar: 43 pages
- Nouns: the gender & plural of nouns, phonetic alternations in noun plurals, noun articles in the Nominative, Genitive, and Vocative cases
- Adjectives: four-form adjectives, three-form adjectives, two-form adjectives, one-form adjectives, phonetic mutations in adjective inflection, degrees of comparison of adjectives.
- Adverbs and adverbial expressions: adverbs and adverbial expressions indicating place, time, and manner.
- Numerals: cardinal numerals from 0 to, the forms “unu / una” and “doi / două”, ordinal numerals in the Nominative case
- Pronouns and pronominal adjectives: personal pronouns in the Nominative case, reflexive pronouns, personal pronouns in the Accusative and Dative, possessive adjectives and personal pronouns expressing possession, demonstrative pronouns and pronominal adjectives, politeness pronoun, relative and interrogative pronouns, indefinite pronouns and adjectives.
- Verbs: conjugations, Present Indicative, common verbs in the Present Indicative, Present Perfect Indicative, participles, the Past Continuous Indicative, The Past Perfect Indicative, Future Indicative 1, Future Indicative 2, Present Subjunctive, Present & Perfect Conditional, Imperative, 100 most common Romanian verbs.
- Prepositions and prepositional expressions: simple & compound prepositions and prepositional expressions that require the Accusative, Genitive, and Dative case, verbs that require prepositions.
- Conjunctions and conjunctional expressions: conjunctions and conjunctional expressions of coordination & subordination.
Essentials of Romanian Vocabulary: 46 pages
- Greetings, farewell phrases, common expressions
- Let’s introduce ourselves! & Where are you from?
- Getting directions, billboards, and signs, common places
- Seasons, months, and days of the week
- Temporal expressions, daily program schedule
- Shopping, clothes, shoes, fruits, and vegetables
- Ordering food and drinks
- What time is it? & How old are you?
- Transportation, taxis, air travel
- Apartments, vacation plans, tourist sights, hotel reservations
- Writing an e-mail, invitations, family members
- At the doctor, body parts
- Hobbies, sports, weather
- Hairdresser, cleaning, complaints
- Banking & ATM instructions
- Expressing opinions, expressions of approval & refusal
- Christmas & Easter Vocabulary
Dr. Mona Moldoveanu Pologea is a writer of Romanian language teaching and reference materials. She holds a Ph.D. and an M.A. in Linguistics from the Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, and has more than 18 years of experience in teaching Romanian to foreigners. She is the founder and managing director of ROLANG School, the only school in Romania that specializes in teaching the Romanian language to foreigners. She has authored the book “Ghid de exprimare corectă în presă,” and has published many articles on linguistics and the communicative approach to language teaching in scientific and cultural journals. Her interests include language teaching practice, language acquisition, pedagogical grammar, general and contrastive linguistics.
What do people say about the book?
Dr. Pologea’s Essentials of Romanian Grammar and Essentials of Romanian Vocabulary are concise “must-haves” for anyone serious about learning or improving their Romanian. I highly recommend them!
Brian Imhoff, Ph.D. Linguist, Texas A&M University, USA
Whether you are taking a Romanian course, preparing for a trip to Romania, or simply looking to improve your language skills, the “Essentials of Romanian Grammar and Vocabulary” is the perfect resource. Order your copy today and start your journey toward fluency in Romanian!